Website hosting
When purchasing website hosting you should consider what your current needs are so you do not end up paying for services you won't utilize. On the other hand, underestimating your website hosting needs can be devastating to your online business. Don't be one of the tons of horror stories about the website that started to grow and for whatever reason the hosting provider didn't meet their demands.
Your out to save as much money as you can without risking quality service and support. What you don't want is a fly by night website hosting provider who's setup and services is unprofessional and lacking attention to detail. Sometimes when you buy cheap website hosting everything that comes along with it ends up being low budget as well. My advise to you is to be mindful of who you allow to host your website.
If you are new to shopping for website hosting lets go over some of the different types in order of cost:
Free Web HostingOffered by most Internet Service Providers (ISP). |
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Although it's free it has its limitations like you can't have your own domain name, no software, security or database options, and little to no tech support. |
Shared Website HostingAllocated use of shared server resources (cpu, diskspace, bandwidth). |
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Most popular. Excellent choice for small to medium website's, offers security, backups, software, databases, visitor tracking, add your own domain /sub domain, email addresses, spam protection and more... Easy cpanel setup. Service and support are available. |
Virtual Private Server (VPS)Shared server but cpu, bandwidth and diskspace are dedicated to you. |
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Good for large website's. Offers everything you'd find in a shared service. Ideal for website's with high traffic, large file storage and or continuous streaming data. better security than shared, more software flexibility. Typically you provide your own setup, service and support structure. Costs less than a Dedicated Server solution. |
Dedicated ServerUse of one of the hosting providers servers (your own box). |
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Excellent for large complex website's with special software and multiple database driven apps. You (the customer) has to monitor and support your own setup, security, resource allocation and services. |
Collocated ServerYour server placed in someone else's data center. Your basically renting space. |
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This offers the most flexibility. Your taking advantage of the uninterrupted power supply (UPS) of the data center you use. You have complete control over how you configure your server. | offers outstanding setup, service and support on its website hosting plans. Our shared server plan allows us to keep our costs low but simultaneously giving us the ability to provide you with high quality 27 hours a day 7 days a week service and support. Feel free to compare our prices once you've done so Sign up and you can be online today.
You receive a full 45 day money back guarantee on any website hosting plan!